Savvy Lane

Financial Awareness for the Twenty-Something Year Old Woman

Alright ladies we need to have a serious talk. No, not about fashion or beauty, we need to talk about finances. I know, I know, finances are not fun and honestly kind of scary, but today is Financial Awareness Day so there’s no better time to start conversation, just like there is no better time than your twenties to start preparing for your future!

I want to start off my new blog series on a more general note. With the way social media portrays the highlights of everyone’s lives, it’s important to keep that in perspective, it’s just a highlight.

This time of year I feel like everyone is going on an elaborate summer vacation. Some head off to the beach, some drive to a close by historical town, and others set off to the Mediterranean or on a European backpacking trip. Of course when you see those photos one of the first thoughts that comes to my mind is “How in the world can they afford that?!”

With Financial Awareness Day I want to put perspective into your mind. Honestly, you and I could both afford that trip to Europe if we budgeted right. Maybe that couple in Europe right now doesn’t go out to eat and instead puts that money towards travel. Maybe they don’t spend extra money on clothes or home decor or hosting friends at holidays, or maybe that trip was a Christmas/birthday present. My point is, if you made travelling a priority within your budget, you too could be going to Santorini this summer instead of the local beach.

Now that we’ve put budgeting into the equation, let’s tailor this down to YOU. Look at how much you make, and now look at how much you have left over after you pay your monthly living expenses and necessities. How do you spend that leftover money?

Drinks? Going out? Clothes? Luxury goods? Travel?

Whatever you choose, you need to keep in mind that YOU chose that because it makes YOU happy. You can look at social media and see one couple going on a vacation, another standing there with a Gucci bag, and the next going out to a 4 Michelin Star dinner. Those individuals chose that experience or item because it was a priority in their lives, and it’s not fair to yourself to compare others’ priorities against your own.

Next time you’re scrolling social media, instead of envying the post next door and what they have, let’s celebrate their victories and experiences and the joy it brought them! This will also help to keep your victories and experiences just as sweet to you as you planned them out to be.


Taylor Emery

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