Do you want to know what's one bad habit I've given up in 2020? Watching the news. No seriously, I'm not kidding. I truly believe that the majority of today's issues are due to media hype. But really though, when was the last time that you watched the news and only heard positive things, or even ...
9 Ways To Invest In Yourself
Let's be honest here, I never thought in my lifetime we would be in this situation. Forced to stay home to keep ourselves and the entire world safe and healthy. You would think with all of this free time that we would become the most productive we've ever been, but it sometimes feels like the exact ...
Tips For Working At Home
Going to work can literally mean so many different things in today's world. For some of us we have a 9-5 where we dress in business attire and commute 45 minutes to a corporate office, others may be able to wear what they want in a relaxed workshare space, and some of us can stay home in our pjs all ...
How to ACTUALLY Help Prevent the Coronavirus
First and foremost let me say that I am in no way a licensed medical provider. You should always speak to your doctor about any medical concerns, especially if you are feeling sick. I am writing this post to inform, not advise. Ok, now that that is out of the way... This is definitely not ...
Financial Awareness for the Twenty-Something Year Old Woman
Alright ladies we need to have a serious talk. No, not about fashion or beauty, we need to talk about finances. I know, I know, finances are not fun and honestly kind of scary, but today is Financial Awareness Day so there's no better time to start conversation, just like there is no better time ...