Savvy Lane

Tips For Working At Home

Going to work can literally mean so many different things in today’s world. For some of us we have a 9-5 where we dress in business attire and commute 45 minutes to a corporate office, others may be able to wear what they want in a relaxed workshare space, and some of us can stay home in our pjs all day with your favorite co-worker (aka your dog).

For those standard work-from-homers you’ve probably got your work station all setup and know what your day-to-day looks like, but what about those of us who normally go into an office and all of a sudden have to work from home? I’ve been lucky enough to have an office that allows me to work remotely when I need to, so I have a few tips up my sleeve to make working from home actually productive since there are so many new distractions moving from an office to my home (hello TV with no boss around).

Have a Designated Work Space

Ok this is probably the most important thing you can do. Think about it, when you go to each room in your house what do you associate it with? The couch is probably watching tv, your bedroom is sleeping, the kitchen is eating…you get the point. The same applies to your work – you have an office space dedicated just for you to be productive at your job.

You may not have the space for a dedicated office in your home, but you need to work with what you have to create one. Heck, that space could just be your kitchen counter with a stool! Like I said, work with what you have and keep it in your mind that this is your new “office” dedicated just for you to be productive at your job. Trust me, if you sit on your couch in the living room, that TV will be turned on eventually, and once that happens your productivity is out the window.

Mindfully Avoid and Prevent Distractions

Having a dedicated work space will help to fight some of the mental distractions in your house – your mind knows that when you sit down in that area you are there to work and focus your attention on the job at hand. What you need next is to focus on eliminating physical distractions.

People, pets, tv, social media. The list goes on.

There are literally SO many things in your home that wants your attention, but you have to stay mindful that your work needs that attention right now. Try putting in headphones and jamming out while you work on spreadsheets, set a timer and until that timer goes off answer emails, if your workspace is in a room shut the door (I mean you could also lock the door if you REALLY don’t want to see anybody).

Being in the mindset of this is my workspace and I will work while here will help your productivity so much!

Get Ready For The Day

I know, it’s so tempting to literally roll over in bed and start responding to emails in your pjs and just never leave bed, but really how productive to you think you’ll be in your natural sleeping habitat? If you have a regular morning routine it’s best to keep going through the motions so you trick yourself into work mode. Make the bed, take a shower, get dressed, makeup, the whole shabam. Plus, if you happen to have a surprise video call you will be prepared for your co-workers to see your lovely, dressed self and not your nighttime bum look.

Keep Your Shoes On

One really easy way to trick your mind into thinking you are busy is your shoes. Even if you decide to not get fully dressed for the day, find a pair of shoes you would normally wear to work and put them on. Our feet play a big role into our senses, and by putting on a pair of shoes you are subconsciously telling yourself that you are ready to leave the house and go do something. So those pointy toe pumps are mentally preparing you for your day of working from home!

Also, I know what you are thinking. Bedroom shoes do NOT count.

Make A To-Do List

I’m totally a list maker, and working from home is the ultimate reason to make lists. Like I mentioned earlier, your home is FILLED with distractions. TV, pets, family, and no boss glaring over your shoulder making sure you aren’t on Instagram for hours. If you know there are certain tasks for the day you should write them down so you know exactly what you are working on and what you have left to do.

Plus there’s always the sweet satisfaction in checking off an item on your to-do list!

Create a Schedule

There always seems to be way more things to do in a day than time. You have your to-do list ready, but now you need a plan of attack.

Let’s arrange by priority here:

  1. Meetings – obviously you still need to show up and participate in your meetings. Make sure these are on your calendar first and then plan the rest of your day around them.
  2. Essential To-Do Items – what is the top priority on your to-do list? Let’s go ahead and schedule a block of time for you to tackle that item, then do the same for #2, #3, and so on. Try your best to overestimate if possible because you can ALWAYS utilize extra time, but you can never create more time.
  3. Any Daily Routine Tasks To Keep You Sane/Healthy – things like lunch, a workout, prayer time, and meditation fall under this category. You need to make sure you are eating (healthy foods might I add) while home and keep your regular routine in place will help you stay motivated as you would if you were still going into the office! Best part is now you have more time to get these done in the mornings by eliminating your commute!

Schedule Breaks

Ok so now you have your schedule in place, but I bet you forgot to include breaks. This is good practice for two reasons:

  1. If you schedule breaks, for whatever reason, you will have a certain time to look forward to for whatever you designated your break to be. I like to split it up with a 10 minute break every hour. During this time I can go to the bathroom, grab a snack, scroll though Insta, cuddle the pups, whatever I choose and feel no guilt about it!
  2. If you are a workaholic this will force you to leave your computer screen and give your eyes a rest. You’ll be taking better care of your body and mind, which will make you a better employee all around and prevent burnout by the end of the day!

Hopefully these tips were helpful if you are new to working remotely! What tips and tricks do you have to help while you are working from home?

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Taylor Emery